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NO Case against PM Thomas, says Chief of Staff

St. George’s, May 22, 2012 – A top advisor to Prime Minister Tillman Thomas is confident that the Grenadian leader could be re-elected on the basis of the same issues that propelled his National Democratic Congress (NDC) to victory in 2008.

William Joseph, Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, describes the issues he says were central to the 2008 win as the “NDC mantra.’’

It’s a “body of things,’’ such as good governance and the extent to which the NDC intended to practice “genuine democracy,’’ that convinced Grenadians to vote the National Democratic Congress over then ruling New National Party (NNP), Joseph said.

“These things are important to people,’’ Joseph said, adding that they still “resonate’’ with Grenadians almost four years after the NDC’s election victory.

As the party completes its fourth anniversary in office and prepares for the next general election, it faces several internal and external challenges.

In the past three weeks, it has been hit by the resignation of the tourism and foreign ministers, who both have complained about the leadership style of Thomas and the economic development focus and emphasis of the government.

In addition, high unemployment has been a sore point among Grenadians and a subject on which the NNP has constantly attacked the government.

Joseph, a former director of the Grenada Board of Tourism, acknowledges that there may be some disappointment with how the government has performed, but believes the NDC’s positive is the leadership of Thomas.

“There really is no case against Tillman Thomas that people have,’’ Joseph told MTV News.

While Grenadians have established cases against former leader Keith Mitchell, and first Prime Minister Eric Gairy for his “excesses,’’ there is none against Thomas who “stands out above’’ the two, Joseph said.

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