Local News

NNP Mid Term Rally This Sunday

The  NNP team is on the move to the Grenville Car Park this Sunday, January 9th, 2011 to review and expose the NDC Government for its non-performance and malicious mis-management of our Country over the past two and a half years.

We take this opportunity to invite you to come and hear the NNP team of Mrs. Emmalin Pierre as she speaks on matters affecting the youth of our Nation, Hon Dr.Claris Modeste as she speaks about the massive breakdown of Health Care and Social Services, Senator Gregory Bowen as he exposes the failures in Agriculture and the embarrassment of having to now import Bananas from Suriname, Hon Elvin Nimrod as he speaks on the current legal and political witch-hunts of the NDC and finally, our beloved political leader Dr.the Rt.Hon.Keith Mitchell as he points the way foward and exposes the devious and malicious plans of the National Destructive Congress Government.

Make your plans early, organize yourselves and come out in your numbers because you can’t afford to miss this massive New Year’s meeting of the New National Party as we mark the Midterm of this NON PERFORMING N.D.C GOVERNMENT who while in Office over the past two and a half years brought victimization, spite, hatred, corruption, internal divisions, poor leadership, economic mis-management, suffering and backwardness in our Country.

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