Local News

New National Party welcomes Diaspora

St. George’s, Grenada, August 6th, 2012:  The New National Party takes this opportunity on behalf of its Political Leader Dr.the rt.Hon.Keith Mitchell , the entire Executive , Members  and supporters of the Party , in extending a very warm welcome to all members of the Diaspora team who have answered the call to provide voluntary service to the homeland in their individual area of skill , learning and  talent.

We applaud that sense of Nationalistic service above self and for the personal sacrifices being made , no doubt , by several members of the team who are here  to share their experiences and learning  for the benefit and up-liftment  of Grenada and it’s people.

To the many other Grenadians returning home or visiting for the festive season , we extend an equally warm welcome to you and hope that you will enjoy the beauty of your home-land and find time to interact with family and friends and to participate in the many carnival activities.

To our foreign guests who are visiting for the first time or returning on another visit , we extend a very warm  welcome to you and yours and encourage you to participate in our rich cultural activities , delectable national dishes and to embrace the beauty of our land with its warm and welcoming people.

To all of you , we say welcome home !

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