Local News


Saturday 15th July: – The New National Party (NNP), expresses deep concern regarding the escalating crime rates that have gripped our beloved nation. The recent surge in murders, suicides, and gun-related crimes has left our citizens shocked and alarmed. Additionally, the prevalent lawlessness on our roads, further exacerbates the sense of insecurity felt by our communities. As we approach the Carnival season, with large crowds and increased alcohol consumption, immediate action on these festering issues is imperative.

Political Leader and Former Prime Minister Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell stated:

We at the NNP acknowledge an urgent need for comprehensive measures to address these issues and restore the peace and security to our society of which we are all accustomed. NNP firmly believes that a collaborative approach, engaging various stakeholders, is crucial in effectively combating the crime situation and ensuring the safety of our citizens and visitors.”

In this regard, the New National Party proposes in the national interest the following solutions:

Working with Youth:

The Ministry of Youth, which unfortunately remains dormant at this time, must play a leading role in fostering positive lifestyles and choices among our young people. The NNP advocates for the reactivation of the Ministry and the implementation and or re-implementation of targeted programs that engage our nation’s youth in constructive activities and mentorship.

Support for the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF):

A demoralized police force cannot effectively combat crime. The NNP proposes increased support for the RGPF, including enhanced training programs, modernization of equipment, and improved working conditions. It is crucial to empower our police force to fulfill its duty of protecting our communities.

Psycho-Social Assistance:

The alarming increase in crime often stems from underlying social issues and the lack of proper mental health support. The NNP advocates for increased psycho-social assistance programs that address the needs of individuals at risk of engaging in criminal activities. By providing professional help and support, we can address the root causes of crime and reduce its occurrence. This issue must be also approached inclusive of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Education.

Assisting Vulnerable Families:

Addressing crime requires addressing socioeconomic disparities. The NNP proposes focusing on vulnerable families and communities by providing them with necessary resources, opportunities, and support systems. One of the measures we suggest is the re-instatement of the $150 removed from participants in the SEED Programme, especially considering the sharp inflation currently being experienced. By lifting people out of poverty and addressing social inequalities, we can create an environment where crime is less likely to thrive.

Leading from the Front:

The Ministry and as such, Minister of National Security must take a proactive approach in addressing the crime situation and allay the fears and concerns of citizens and visitors. The NNP calls for a comprehensive review of security measures and protocols to ensure their effectiveness. We urge the government to lead by example and prioritize the safety of our nation.

Role of Churches:

The NNP recognizes the vital role that churches play in our society.This was one of the reasons we ensured the creation of the department of Ecclesiastical / Religious Affairs.  We call upon all religious leaders to speak out against violence and negative behaviors, offer spiritual guidance, and actively engage with their congregations and the nation on a whole, to promote peaceful coexistence. Together, we can create a moral compass that guides individuals away from crime and towards harmony.

The New National Party is committed to tirelessly working towards addressing the alarming crime situation in Grenada. Only this week our party engaged groups of young people from across the island in character building and personal development sessions over two days. We therefore understand the urgency of this matter and stand ready to collaborate with all stakeholders, including the government, civil society organizations, social media influencers and citizens, to implement effective strategies. Only through unity and collective effort can we restore peace, security, and prosperity to our beautiful nation.

The New National Party

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