Monday July 30th, 2012: The Political Leader of the New National Party, Dr the Rt Hon. Keith Mitchell, the entire Executive, Members and supporters of the NNP, wish to make a National appeal to dedicate this Saturday and Sunday , August 04th and 05th as national days of prayer and reflection for our Nation .
With the recent increase in violent crimes in this our christian Country, we are comforted by the word of God which says: “I lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Psalm 121:1; Truly, there is no better place but in the Lord to find deliverance , peace and a unifying force for our people and country , in this moment of national anguish.
This appeal is to the Government of Grenada, the Grenada Conference of Churches, the Alliance of Evangelical Churches, all other Denominations, Civic organizations, Civil Society Partners, Community Based Organizations ( CBO’s ) and all Social Partners and concerned citizens in Grenada, who are no doubt very distraught about the increased incidence of murders, violence committed against our women, violence among our youth and ordinary citizens, not to mention the several other incidents of anti-social behavior in many communities.
The New National Party wishes to make this urgent call as a matter of great priority and look forward to the issuance of that NATIONAL call in support of our request for Saturday and Sunday to be dedicated as National days of prayer and reflection, as we come together as a united people in our individual Churches, in peace, love and harmony to pray to our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST for deliverance of the scourge of violence against one another.