ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, March 13, 2009 – The National Democratic Congress extends congratulations to the United Progressive Party (UPP) and its leader, Honourable Baldwin Spencer, on being re-elected to government in Antigua and Barbuda.
Our party leader and Prime Minister Honourable Tillman Thomas, who is in Belize at this moment attending an important CARICOM meeting, has asked his party’s executive to convey his personal best wishes to Mr. Spencer and the UPP on a second straight general election win.
At a party-to-party level, the National Democratic Congress looks forward to maintaining cordial and friendly ties with the UPP.
At the governmental level, Prime Minister Thomas recommits to continue working with Prime Minister Spencer at regional and international fora to advance the cause and interests of our countries, as well as those of the wider Caribbean Community.
In fact, we are pleased that Prime Minister Spencer will be available to continue lending his expertise and experience to the thrust being made to deepen the regional integration process, especially the proposed Economic Union of the countries of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).
Once again, please accept the congratulations and best wishes of Honourable Tillman Thomas, Prime Minister and Leader of the National Democratic Congress, and the rest of the executive and members of Grenada’s ruling NDC party