The National Democratic Congress salutes the Workers of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique on the occasion of International Workers Day- May Day 2015.
On this and every May Day, the workers of our country are fully entitled to reflect, show camaraderie, and celebrate the historic gains made on behalf of workers.
We encourage you to preserve the significance of this memorable day. The working conditions that you enjoy today were fought long and hard for and must never be taken for granted.
We express our firm solidarity with you as you struggle to protect your economic livelihood in the face of high unemployment, oppressive and burdensome taxes, falling disposable incomes, escalating cost of living, weakening social safety nets and increasing incidence of poverty and vulnerability among working people.
The National Democratic Congress extends fraternal greetings and solidarity to the Grenada Trade’s Union Council (GTUC) on the commemoration of International Workers Day 2015.
We recognize the GTUC for its strategic and vital contribution made on behalf of workers over the years in the struggle for their economic and social advancement.
We salute you as you celebrate 60 years of existence in 2015 and wish you continued success in the coming years.
The theme chosen for this year’s celebrations, “Maintaining the Flames of our Founding Father’s While Restructuring in the Face of Economic Challenges”, is most appropriate and commendable. Indeed, it is a manifestation of your commitment to continue building on the foundation laid by Stalwarts like Clarence Ferguson, George Otway, C. Eric Pierre and other distinguished Grenadian labour leaders, while striving to protect the gains made by the Grenadian workers.
NDC views the trade union movement as important stakeholders in the process of nation building and national development. We encourage the unions and their members to be vigilant against any and all those seeking to undermine their movement or compromise their ideals.
Our political organisation is in full support of the practice of free Trade Unionism and we endorse the principle of Collective Bargaining. We hold fast to the belief that the Grenada Trades Union Council must continue to be the vanguard of the working class in Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique.
We give full credit to the organised workers of this country for the high level of peace and stability Grenada continues to enjoy.
On this 129th commemoration of International Workers Day, the National Democratic Congress wishes all Grenadian workers a successful May Day Celebration as you celebrate this historic day.
Long live the working people of Grenada , Carriacou and Petite Martinique!!
Long live International Workers Day!!
Long live the Grenada Trade Union Council!