April 25th 2012 – St. George’s, Grenada: NAWASA continues to rise to the challenge of restoring water supply to the parish of St. Patrick. Continued efforts by an undaunted crew today achieved significant results of clearing the second blocked dam – the Zulu dam.
Further challenges were encountered however, an occurrence which is not unusual with efforts like these in such rural areas as this location. The latest obstacle in fully restoring supply is a broken pipe in a submerged river bed, discovered only today, after the cleaning process was finished and refilling of the dam began.
Materials are already sourced and repair work is scheduled to begin first thing tomorrow morning. General Manager, Christopher Husbands, gives every assurance that “the Authority is sparing no effort in bringing resolution to this matter.”
Areas which remain affected are as follows:
ST. PATRICK: Chantimelle, Point Sil, Carriere, Bathway, Rose Hill, River Sallee, Mt. Rose, Mt. Alexander, Darvey, Prospect, parts of Snell Hall, Mt. Rich
ST. ANDREW: Carriere, Belle Air, St. John, Ahoma, Moyah
Water trucks will continue water distribution in the following areas tomorrow: Mt. Rose, Mt. Rodney, Mt. Craven, River Salle and Chantimelle
Customers served today included:
ST. PATRICK: River Sallee
ST. MARK: Resource
Efforts will be made through valve regulation to supply parts of Rosehill, Bathway and Plains with water overnight
The Authority sincerely apologises for the inconvenience caused, thanks customers for their continued patience and anticipates a fully restored service by Friday 27th April, 2012 bar any further unforeseen circumstances.