It has been just over two weeks now since the Government of Grenada announced that they received funding from Kuwait for the “Phase B” road project, a project that the Minister of Works Joseph Gilbert said never existed in a GIS Interview.
What is disturbing about this “new development” is that the Government of Grenada is once again blatantly lying to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique and at the same pretending to have achieved something by going to Kuwait and not coming back with “ideas”. In July 2009 when Prime Minister Tillman Thomas wrote to CCC seeking funding for the “Phase B” project, CCC’S Vice Presidence Moujally Jabara responded by saying “we are prepared to work with you on the matter of the financing of the second phase of that project (Feeder Road Project), but I have been unable to arrange the meeting with you because of my busy schedule. As an alternative, I propose the following to clarify all outstanding issues: A) a Conference Call between us B) a meeting between a delegation from our company and one from your Government..”
Approximately one month later, CCC received a letter from the Ministry of Works stating that “The Government will not pursue the Constrcution of Phase B at this time because of the unavailability of funds”. After receiving the letter from the Ministry of Works and even after being painted as being “involved in corrupt dealings with the NNP Administration” by the Minister of Works, CCC again made another offer to the Government of Grenada in the sum of Twenty Eight Million US Dollars to which they refused.
Today, we are hearing the very same Government boasting that they travelled to Kuwait and came back with some Twenty Eight Million US Dollars. But what the transparent and honest Government is not telling the Grenadian people is that the money they received from Kuwait was the very said money offered to them in September 2009, and that Union Leader Chester Humphrey had informed the Prime Minister in December 2009 if he does make a decision by January 6th, 2010 about the CCC offer, he Chester will have no choice but to begin rallying the CCC Workers among others to the Botanical Gardens.
In an effort to take the shame out of their eyes, the Government informed CCC that they will accept the offer, but will also travel to Kuwait to discuss the offer. In reality, the Government never went to Kuwait to “beg” they went to collect what as offered to them in September 2009..
It is also important that the people of Grenada know the real deal behind the Tempo deal which saw the suspension of Senator Arley Gill. Tempo in 2009 approached the Grenada Carnival Organisation to promote, record and produce Grenada’s 2009 Carnival. In doing so, it was established that it will cost the Grenada Government Seventy Five Thousand US Dollars to have Tempo promote, record and produce Grenada’s Carnival.
In July of 2009 GCC boss Colin Dowe signed “the deal” with Tempo unknowing to Senator Arley Gill and Dexter Mitchell who is the Cultural Foundation Boss. After some dialogue Tempo then arrived in Grenada and did not get what was agreed to in the agreement signed between themselves and Colin Dowe on behalf of the GCC. Eventually the Carnival was over, Tempo never got paid and so they had their Lawyers write the GCC and the Government of Grenada which is when Senator Arley Gill found out about the “real deal”. Senator Gill in trying to save his Government from a lawsuit and embarrassment decided to barter with Tempo without the approval of Cabinet which was against proper prodecures and protocol. Tempo essentially got the Stadium free to use for the next two years.
The “Tempo turns 4” show saw Tempo receiving concessions, accomodation and transportation at the expense of the Government of Grenada who got no monetary gains while Tempo left Grenada with more than One Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars from sponsors and ticket sales. Now the question is, why hasn’t the Government asked for the resignation of Colin Dowe? Why is Dexter Mitchell and Senator Arley Gill protecting Colin Dowe?
Before I conclude, it is my understanding that the Prime Minister told regional media house CMC that “This is a confidential matter and not one for public consumption,” Mr. Prime Minister is this what you call accountability and Transparency to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique? A junior Minister is suspended and you are saying it is a confidential matter and not one for public consumption?
Can we safely say that the Embarrassing moment created by one Pastor Standford Simon and one selected Minister Glen Noel where we saw a mother and her six Children being left homeless is also not for public consumption? Will the selected Minister Glen Noel be suspended for violating the law of the land?
Is the declaration of assets also not for public consumption hence the reason almost two years later you and your Cabinet(s) Members are yet to declare you all assets?
Finally Mr. Prime Minister, I heard you mentioned at the Budget Debate recently that you never mentioned the Hamilton deal was crooked, well Mr. Prime Minister I suggest you got back through the hansard of Parliament in 2009 and you may discover that you did infact refer to the Hamilton deal as crooked. Mr. Prime Minister also please inform the Grenadian people about the rent being owed to Clyne Family for the residence the Governor General presently occupies.
It appears Mr. Prime Minister that you and your NDC Government is not as honest and Transparent as you all claim to be, because the same things the NNP Administration were being accused of is the same thing your Government is doing and worst too. Mr. Prime Minister Grenada is too small to try and cover up wrong doings, come out and tell the Grenadian people the truth because some members within your three Cabinets are surely telling the truth to their family and friends.
Paul Gittens