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MP warns of “worsening financial crisis’’ in Grenada

St. George’s, September 2, 2012 – A parliamentarian, who once served in cabinet, says Grenada is facing a “worsening financial crisis’’ for which Finance Minister Nazim Burke is responsible.

Joseph Gilbert, MP for St. Patrick West, said government’s failure to pay public servants their end-of-August salaries on schedule could not have come at a worse time.

“With the reopening of school on September 3, unpaid workers – many of whom live from pay cheque to pay cheque – are finding it extremely difficult to provide the basic essentials needed to send their children to school for the commencement of  the new school year,’’ Gilbert noted.

“I empathize with all government workers who are suffering the disappointment and hardship of not receiving their salary on schedule for the month of August,’’ added Gilbert, former Minister of Works and Public Utilities.

He is now one of four backbenchers in the House of Representatives.

All four won seats in 2008 as part of an 11 – 4 general election victory of the National Democratic Congress. Since then, they have resigned from government or have been fired by Prime Minister Tillman Thomas.

“The inability of the Ministry of Finance to pay August salary on time to government employees reflects a worsening financial crisis situation. It is becoming untenable and should not be taken lightly,’’ Gilbert said.

Public servants were also late in receiving their salaries at the end of June.

“I urge the Hon Minister of  Finance, Nazim Burke,  to take full responsibility for this recurrent embarrassing situation that has arisen for the second time in just two months,’’ said Gilbert. “If ever a reshuffle of ministerial portfolio is needed in this country, it is now, Mr. Prime Minister.’’

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