St. George’s, June 19, 2012 – MP for St. Patrick West, the Hon. Joseph Gilbert, has said that following months of indecision, he has finally decided to accept the call to run as the NDC candidate for the constituency in the upcoming general elections.
“I give you that commitment tonight,’’ Gilbert told an indoor meeting of the St. Patrick West NDC Constituency Branch. “I have heard your repeated calls, and I will take up the challenge that you have bestowed upon me.’’
Gilbert said now that he has made that final decision, he intends to “hit the ground running,’’ and to build upon the vast popular support he “continues to enjoy despite the efforts of his adversaries.’’
“During the coming weeks, I intend to intensify my community outreach drive and every community would be engaged. Every foot soldier must be involved and we will leave no stone unturned in the process,’’ Gilbert promised.
According to MP Gilbert, “the main issue affecting the constituency continues to be lack of jobs and the difficult housing situation. I intend to speak to those challenges very frankly in my engagements.’’
At the meeting, Gilbert also took the opportunity to present an update on some of the major projects in store for the constituency, including the St. Patrick Road Network Upgrade and the Snell Hall Playing Field and Resource Center. Both projects are expected to begin this year.
Gilbert said he will continue to advocate for much more to be done in St. Patrick.
“I will continue to pursue the port/marina project; the Sauteurs road network expansion; as well as plans to construct a cultural centre in parish,’’ Gilbert pledged.