Local News

Montreal Diaspora assists Hermitage resident

St. George’s, August 3, 2010 – Montreal-based friends of a Grenadian national who recently returned home are continuing to assist him to comfortably resettle in Grenada.

Noble “Souls’’ Phillip, who lived 19 years in Montreal, suffered from glaucoma which resulted in him losing his sight. When he decided to return home, a fund-raising effort was undertaken on his behalf. It was spearheaded by the Grenada Islander Sports Club (GISC) and Grenada’s Honourary Consul in Montreal, Leonard Wharwood, Jr. The effort netted approximately CAN$5,000.

“We also purchased Mr. Phillip’s airline ticket and a barrel of foodstuff and sundry items was stocked and shipped to Grenada,’’ said Consul Wharwood, who is now in Grenada. He is one of the delegates to this week’s Diaspora Preparatory Conference to be held at St. George’s University.

Mr. Phillip returned to Grenada just over two weeks ago and was visited on Monday, August 2, at his new home in Hermitage, St. Patrick, by Mr. Wharwood and Peter Charles, a GISC executive member, who is also here for the Diaspora Conference.

The two presented Mr. Phillip with CAN$3,745, the balance remaining from the $5,000 Montreal fund-raiser, which was aided by the NDC Montreal Support Group and the Grenada Nationals Association of Montreal.

At the presentation, which was witnessed by Kerita Smart – a grand niece of Mr. Phillip – the visitors conveyed their delight at being reunited with him, and wished him well.

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