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Maitland-Fuelscher called “deeply patriotic Grenadian’’

St. George’s, November 22, 2011 – Officials of the ruling National Democratic Congress have joined party members and supporters at home and abroad in mourning the death of NDC stalwart, June Maitland-Fuelscher.

A long-time resident of Canada, Maitland-Fuelscher died Monday night in Montreal. She was a founding member of the NDC Support Group of Montreal that was established in 2008.

“June was a staunch ally of the National Democratic Congress and served the party exceedingly well during the two years she served as chairperson of the NDC Montreal Support Group,’’ said Kenrick Fullerton, Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, said in St. George’s on Tuesday.

Maitland-Fuelscher was also a “deeply patriotic Grenadian,’’ said Fullerton, who noted her tireless annual efforts to collect books and other items – especially after the passage of Hurricane Ivan in 2004 – to send to the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

“Honourable Tillman Thomas, our Prime Minister and Leader of the NDC, feels the sorrow of all NDC members and supporters, and the sadness of Grenadians who knew June, on her passing,’’ Fullerton said.

“We extend heartfelt condolences to her entire family, especially her husband George, who loved Grenada as much as his wife did. June will be dearly missed by all.’’

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