The Grenada Co-operative Nutmeg Association is pleased to announce the opening of its online store for Grenada Nutmeg and other spices, locally made products and souvenirs. This new feature will stimulate the increased reach and awareness of our treasured ‘Grenada Nutmeg’, known for its superior quality.
The GCNA wishes to express sincere appreciation to our first customer all the way in the United Kingdom, Mr. Wayne David who has purchased a sizeable variety of nutmeg products and souvenir items from the ‘All Thing Nutmeg Shop’. He expressed great satisfaction with the seamless process when shopping at the online store via and is very excited to receive his GCNA packaged nutmeg products for the first time. He congratulated the GCNA for this initiative and plans to share this wonderful news with his friends.
The Grenada Co-operative Nutmeg Association launched its “All Things Nutmeg Shop” on June 25, 2015. According to Ms. Anika Davis, GCNA’s Marketing Manager, “monthly sales have been steadily increasing as customers both foreign and locals love the spice shop. We wish to express gratitude to our vendors and the general public, especially retuning nationals who have been patronizing the shop so far.”
The ‘All Things Nutmeg’ Shop is located at the GCNA COMPLEX at Kirani James Boulevard, St. Georges. It stocks a wide range of quality nutmeg and spice products produced by farmers and local entrepreneurs. Ms. Davis urges Grenadians to support the” All Things Nutmeg Shop” as all benefits go to the nutmeg farmers as well as contributes directly to Grenada’s economy.