Local News

International Diaspora Consultative Committee Appointed

ST. GEORGE’S, March 19, 2012 – An eight-member International Diaspora Consultative Committee (IDCC) has been appointed by the Government of Grenada.

The appointment of the committee was among issues adopted in the Declaration at the Grenada Diaspora Founding Conference in St George’s on August 3, 2011 under the theme “The Grenadian Diaspora: Partnering in Nation-Building”.

Delegates attending the conference welcomed the Government’s initiative in instituting a consultative process with Grenadians within the Diaspora.

This initiative aims to embrace the talents, committment and patriotism of Grenadians worldwide to develop a rationalised approach to Grenada’s National Development especially through the five (5) transformational sectors – Agribusiness, Tourism and Hospitality, Energy Development, Information Communications Technology and Health, Education and Wellness Service – and in particular the areas discussed at the Founding Conference which include Culture, Education, Economy (Business and Investment), Health, Sports, Youth and Tourism.

Therefore, the IDCC was appointed to deepen cooperation and bond among members of the Grenadian Diaspora throughout the world.

The Members of the Committee are:

  • Ms. Sally-Ann Richards           –                     United Kingdom
  • Ms. Raedonna Griffith                        –          United Kingdom
  • Ms. Merle Collins                   –                       Washington D.C.
  • Ms. Lisa Radix                         –                       Kentucky
  • Ms. Merle Clarke                    –                       New York
  • Ms. Monifa Ayind                   –                       Vancouver
  • Ms. Tesfa Peterson                 –                       Montreal
  • Mr. Paul Rose                         –                       Toronto

The functions of the IDCC include providing a link to the Office of Diaspora Affairs in Grenada and holding consultations throughout the respective jurisdictions and serving as a working group to mobilise Grenadians within the Diaspora to aid in contributing to Grenada’s economic and social welfare.

The first meeting of the Committee was held on March 13th, 2012 and the United Kingdom jursidiction was appointed interim Chair of the Committee, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Office of Diaspora Affairs works collaboratively for the successful hosting of the Grenadian Homecoming Event under the theme “Engaging our Communities – Embracing our Heritage” from August 5th to 18th, 2012.

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