Local News

Immigration Department commended for receiving UN award

St. George’s, June 27, 2012 – Former government minister, Peter David, has congratulated officers of the Immigration and Passport Department of the Royal Grenada Police Force on receiving a United Nations award.

The award, for “Improving the Delivery of Public Services” in Latin America and the Caribbean region, was presented earlier this week to Grenada officials at the UN Headquarters in New York.

According to the UN, award recipients are recognized for their creative achievements and public service contributions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide.

“I want to congratulate the Immigration and Passport Department on receiving this prestigious UN award. It’s a testament to the dedication and hard work of the staff who man the ports of entry to the country,’’ said David, former Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation.

He commended the department during debate Tuesday on a motion to amend Grenada’s Citizenship Act.

David, who is MP for the Town of St. George, supported the amendment but also suggested the need for a “comprehensive review’’ of Grenada’s immigration laws.

Superintendent Godfrey Fleming, who received the UN award on Monday, believes it would serve as a “flagship for the rest of our public servants and civil society in Grenada in the way we execute our responsibilities.’’

As well, said Fleming, “I also hope that this award will create a better synergy between the public service and the customers that we are serving in Grenada.”

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