Wednesday 7th September 2011: As we approach the seventh anniversary of that fateful day that forever changed the landscape and face ofGrenada, let us remember with gratitude, first and foremost God’s mercy. Let us also look back and recognize from our sterling rebuilding effort that as a people, when we collectively put our heart, hands and soul to accomplishing any task, we will always succeed.
Wednesday September 7th 2011, will be another anniversary of the passage of hurricane Ivan. For many of us, it was a time of great anguish, brokenness and fear. I remember my own circumstances and the near death experience so many of us went through, but as true fighters, we have made it, we are here today to recount the experience.
Much has happened since September 7th 2004 both good and bad. As we reflect on the widespread destruction of the country and the many cries of hopelessness from a people who were badly bruised and battered by the force of Ivan, on the land which had served us well with agriculture for so many years striped bare and fruitless, I must admit then that the future appeared bleak with the many challenges staring us in the face. I had to be strong.
I was strengthened by the words that God spoke to Joshua when he led the children ofIsraelthrough the wilderness, “Be strong and courageous,” and was able to rally the learedship around this call. We did and I know we emerged from the ruins after Ivan a more united and committed team for despite the destruction of hurricane Emily nine months later, we did not waver but remained committed to our goal of “Building back better” so much so, that the world recognized the leadership provided to the country and our ability to work as a cohesive unit in the face of opposition and distraction.
To have accomplished the level of recovery we had is remarkable. There were those who wanted joint leadership that would have implemented their fifteen-year plan to rebuild our beautiful country. We feel blessed in having done it in a significantly shorter time. Hats off to the hard working men and women, for we were able to rebuild the country in less than three years and in time to host our leg of the ICC Cricket world cup in April 2007.
In recognition of this great achievement, we were asked to lead the Association of Small Island States (AOSIS). This was a clear manifestation of the resilience of the people and an understanding that even though there may be challenges before us which at times may seem overwhelming, we can be assured that with discipline and a good work ethic, we can overcome every struggle.
Whatever you may choose to do on this day, I urge you to spare a moment to say thanks to the Almighty for seeing us through hurricane Ivan and to those who assisted us in the recovery, and to ask God’s protection during this hurricane season. May God continue to bless us all.