Local News

Huggins Distribution Division Does It Again !!!!

Geo. F. Huggins & Co. G’da Ltd. – Distribution Division was able to bring home the Unilever Carribbean Ltd., formerly Lever Brothers W.I. Ltd., 2007 Distributor of the Year Award.  Participating countries included Suriname, Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, Montserrat, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Antigua and St. Kitts. Unilever Caribbean is one of the largest manufacturing companies in Trinidad and produces products which have become household names in Grenada and the region. Their brands are listed under three major categories Food , Home Care  and Personal Care .  Examples of the renowned brands  by Unilever Caribbean include Lipton & Red Rose Teas, Breeze, Blue Band, Ponds, Lux, Dove, Rexona, Comfort, Cif, Vaseline tp mention a few of the highly rated products produced in the region. The award ceremony was held at the Crown Plaza  Hotel in Trinidad April 4, 2008 and was based on companies achieving sales targets, timely submission of reports and timely payment of invoices along with other guidelines set out by Unilever.  Geo. F. Huggins & Co. G’da Ltd. was represented at the ceremony by Mr. Alister Joseph, Divisional Manager and Ms. Nazima Aziz, Sales and Marketing Supervisor at the Distribution Division.  They are both happy and overwhelmed by this achievement. Mr. Joseph views  this award  as a symbol of a  focused and dedicated  Team. This same award was won by Huggins in 2005. Manager Corporate Marketing Denise Lanagaigne records this as a great achievement for Huggins owing to the fact that participation came from around the Caribbean, and Huggins being a one hundred per cent owned Grenadian company signifies the quality in the Grenadian workforce.  Huggins was very happy to represent Grenada and bring home this award.  She stated “obviously this success is as a direct result of the support from the Grenadian populace and the hard work and dedication from the staff at Geo. F. Huggins – Distribution Division”..

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