Local News

Happy Hill School Painting

Ingrid Jackson, the NDC election candidate for St. George North-West, says a group of young people who engaged in a painting project in the community last weekend should be a model for other youth to follow.


Jackson, who has thanked the youth, joined them in the painting of the Happy Hill Pre-primary School.


The school painting was the idea of Claudius Monah, who said he was saddened when he saw the run-down condition of the school. 


 He mobilized several of his friends and solicited a donation of paint from a local business company.


Jackson thanked Monah and his friends for volunteering their time.  She said she would like to see their effort replicated across Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique.


NDC politician Ingrid Jackson.  She’ll be running against Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell in the next general election.


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