Local News

GVHC donates Medical Equipment & Supplies to General Hospital

 The Grenada Voluntary Hospital Committee (GVHC), on Tuesday donated £ 6,500.00 (£1=EC $4.83) worth of medical equipment and accessories to the Female Medical Ward at the General Hospital. The items were handed over during a ceremony, attended by Health Minister, the Hon. Karl Hood, Deputy Director of Hospital Services Mrs. Esther Henry-Fleary, departmental ward sisters, as well as (GVHC’s) Chairman Mr. Claude Sylvester and members of his organization. Mr. Sylvester said the donation signifies another generous and meaningful contribution towards the development of healthcare in Grenada.

According to Sylvester the organization is committed to playing its role by supporting initiatives geared at the improvement of healthcare in Grenada. “After forty years we are still able to make a positive contribution towards the development of the healthcare service in Grenada”, Sylvester said.

He said that although the equipment is intended for the female medical ward, his organisation is hoping to make a similar contribution towards the Male Medical Ward soon. Health Minister Hood said the Ministry of Health is very grateful for the equipment, which he says the hospital will put the equipment into good use.

The Minister welcomed the donation saying it was important because of the present economic conditions and the budget available to government. “I am also grateful because the things that were given to us were not second grade, they were not things that were thrown out or dumped upon us. Because I see behind this the efforts and sacrifices that were made to procure those things and my heart goes out, I’m very pleased, we are definitely going to take care of it. It will not go in vain”, he said.

Tuesday’s handing over ceremony saw the female medical ward receiving an Electrocardiogram machine,, two electric beds, two Stethoscopes, two BP machines, one stainless steel Drip stand,  a Hoist and Commode seat, one Otoscope, a Laryngoscope set and a Finger pulse Oximeter, together with fifty five bed sheet stets, five face masks sets, and pampers/incontinence pads.

A plaque naming the (GVHC) as the official sponsor of and acknowledging the organisations contribution to the Female Medical Ward at the General Hospital over the years has been erected..

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