CARACAS, Venezuela, Feb 5, 2010 – Activities marking Grenada’s 36th anniversary of Independence continue in various capitals around the world with nationals participating in a ceremony at the Simon Bolivar Plaza in Caracas, Venezuela on Thursday.
The activities in Caracas will climax on Sunday with an official ceremony at the Embassy’s Headquarters which will include the hoisting of the national flag.
Messages from the Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean, Prime Minister Tillman Thomas and Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Mitchell will also be read, as well as remarks by Ambassador George Mac Leish and Samuel Collier, the President of the Association of Grenadians in Caracas.
A church service will also be held which will be followed by a luncheon and an Evening of Social Activities.
Ambassador Mac Leish said that part of the day’s activity will include a discussion on how to become more organised in the Diaspora.
“A discussion on how we as Grenadians in Caracas can become better organised to participate and take our rightful place as nationals in the diaspora,” said Ambassador Mac Leish.
He said that Grenadians in Caracas can do more than just the remittances and material benefits to their individual families and friends, but contribute meaningfully to Grenada’s development.
“The creation of the Diaspora Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is going to facilitate this, so the discussion will be geared on how to better organise ourselves to have a greater impact on the policies and programmes which guides our nation’s development”.
Grenada marks its 36th anniversary of Independence on Sunday February 7th, with activities also being staged in Grenada, London, Toronto, New York and Washington, DC.