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Grenadian Educator to provide supplies to St Andrew School

Photo Caption: Dr Bridgeman with some of his NEHS students and advisor Mrs Krollage
Photo Caption: Dr Bridgeman with some of his NEHS students and advisor Mrs Krollage

NEW YORK, February 26, 2015 – Grenadian-born and New York-based High School educator and college professor, Dr Anthony Bridgeman, once again is giving back to his homeland.

Together with one of his high school groups, West Islip High School, National English Honor Society, they have collected school supplies to send to St Michael R.C. School in Byelands, St Andrews.

These supplies included notebooks, pens, pencils, binders, markers, index cards, etc.

Dr Bridgeman has purchased, using monies from his own pocket, three new computers and printers to help establish a computer lab for St Michael R.C. School. Also, his school district is making a donation of computers to the school that has been designated as surplus.

Dr Bridgeman is the principal of West Islip High School, a high performing school on the eastern end of Long Island, New York. He is also a professor of Hofstra University and Metropolitan College of New York.

This is the second year in a row that Dr Bridgeman has been sending supplies and books to schools in Grenada. He is also an Alma Mater of St Michael R. C. School

Photo Caption: Dr Bridgeman with some of his NEHS students and advisor Mrs Krollage

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