Caribbean News

Grenadian authors featured at event in Washington, DC

Washington, DC, December 17, 2009 – The Grenada Embassy in Washington has started its seasonal observance with a special event for nationals, foreign diplomats and other friends of Grenada living in the U.S. capital.

The “Holiday Reception,’’ hosted by Ambassador Gillian Bristol and her staff, featured the sampling of chocolate made from Grenada cocoa and wine tasting from award-winning family-run wineries in Spain.

In addition, there were two exhibitions, including one by Grenadian artist Henry Otway, whose wide array of paintings adorned the walls of the embassy. The other was an exhibition of publications on Grenada’s history, politics and society. The publications, including speeches of former Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, were on loan from the Columbus Memorial Library of the Organization of American States.

Also highlighted as part of the programme were Grenadian authors, including Lincoln Toro Depradine, who used the opportunity to introduce “White Frock & Coals Dust’’ to the Washington market.

Depradine’s debut publication, which was released last summer, is the social history of seemingly ordinary men and women who gave meaning to their lives through sports, culture and community gathering. There is also a political subtext to “White Frock & Coals Dust.’’ The book, which has had official launches in Grenada, New York, Toronto and now Washington, is also available online at

“I was delighted to be a part of the holiday reception and to launch my book in Washington,’’ Depradine said. “I thank the Embassy of Grenada for accommodating me and express my gratitude to those who purchased copies of the book. Additional copies are available at the embassy for those who could not attend the reception.’’

Other authors who participated in the “Holiday Reception’’ were renowned writer and University of Maryland Professor, Dr. Merle Collins; John Angus Martin, publisher of the “A – Z of Grenada Heritage;’’ and educator and former Howard University lecturer, Dr. Yvonne Seon. She is author of a collection of poetry titled, “Totem Games.’’

The event also included donations to “Toys for Grenada’s Tots!’’ Guests were invited to “spread the Christmas cheer’’ and to “bring a new, unwrapped toy,’’ as part of a programme to send gifts to “underprivileged children in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.’’

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