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Grenada’s Opposition supports OECS meeting but calls for apology from Grenada Government

St. George’s Grenada, January 27th, 2011: St. George’s, Grenada – 27th January, 2011: Members of Her Majesty Opposition say they still consider it a noble initiative by the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) to form an economic union. However they are encouraging the Heads to ensure that the people are involved in the process.

This statement was made following the conclusion of the OECS Heads’ meeting on Calivigny island on Tuesday. Former prime Minister, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, believes that the region stands to reap significant benefits from this union but says we should never lose sight of the obvious challenges ahead.

Commenting on Grenada’s hosting of the meeting Dr. Mitchell said “It is great that Grenada was able to host this important meeting, which from all indications thus far, was a success, but what was a pleasant surprise to me, was the venue selected for the meeting.”
He said that, in light of the vicious attacks meted out by the NDC (while in Opposition) at the owner of the facility it is significant to note that they have chosen to meet at his facility.
“This goes to show that another one of those vilified by the NDC has been vindicated. But the greater lesson that I believe they should learn is that investors must never be attacked for our political gains. They are too important to our development as a small nation.”
The NDC while in office had attacked the vision of the NNP to give support to investments such as the Calivigny island development. The investor Mr. Cohen was also attacked in the local media and was referred to as a crook and con man, who was wanted in France for fraud. When the NNP government then had said that these accusations were false, the Government was further attacked.
The former Prime Minister said he still believes that the Government deserves to make a public apology to Mr. Cohen and must do everything possible to ensure that no other investor is subjected to this experience.


See below two of the many comments made in April 2007 at a Parliament sitting by members of the then NDC Opposition

Hon. Tillman Thomas:

“Mr. Speaker,you’ve been hearing complaints about problems where investors coming here and because of the development they set up, we can no longer go up on Calivigny beach. Calivigny Island used to be, Grenadians had access to it at one time.”

Hon. Peter David:
“Mr. Speaker, I remember when Calivigny Island was being built and we said, many people said everybody would have the right to go on the beach and you can still go over. Ask the people of Woburn if they can go over to Calivigny Island and have free access. You see sometimes we believe that we simply take for granted what persons say in order to get their foot into the door. What’s Calivigny Island now, you know dog will bite you. You go to Calivigny Island you will be running back, not you, because you may have access but we the people will be bitten by those dogs that roam the beach. Strangers in your own land according to the Leader. And this is a serious issue. It is an issue that is being discussed throughout the world”

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