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Grenada’s Ambassador to United states Presents Credentials to President Obama


On  17th  September  2013,  His  Excellency  E.  Angus  Friday  presented  his  Letter  of  Credence  to  the       President of the United States of America, the Honourable Barack H. Obama, at a ceremony held at the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D. C.

Ambassador Friday expressed the Government of Grenada’s desire to strengthen the long‐standing and harmonious relationship between the Governments and people of the United States of America and Grenada.
He also noted that this constitutes a solid platform for mutually beneficial engagement in critical areas of shared concerns such as sustainable development and knowledge industries such as, ICT, health, and education.

In  welcoming  the  Ambassador, President  Obama  stated  that  the  United  States  of  America  and Grenada enjoy a strong and productive partnership and our countries share significant interests. The President expressed the hope that Grenada and the United States would work together to facilitate trade, create a favourable business and investment climate and invest in human capital with a view to development.

The  President underscored that  his  Administration is  seeking  a  renewed  engagement with  the nations of the Caribbean and expressed his Administration’s intention to continue to partner with Grenada and the other nations of the Caribbean in important areas of common concern such as democracy, combating terrorism,  promoting  innovation  and  expanding  the  benefits  of  economic  integration  and  free‐market prosperity.



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