ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Thursday, September 26, 2013: _ The Ministry of Health is taking aggressive measures to stem and prevent a major outbreak of dengue in Grenada.
The announcement was made by Grenada’s Chief Medical Officer – Dr. George Mitchell during an interview with the Government Information Services (GIS) on Thursday.
Mitchell said the Ministry’s surveillance unit has picked up cases of dengue in certain parts of the island which led to the Ministry putting measures in place and activating the necessary response systems to address the outbreak.
He added that as part of the strategy the Environmental Health Division – Vector Control Unit is conducting targeted fogging – in areas where cases were reported, investigations and other necessary procedures.
However the (CMO) cautioned that although the matter is being addressed speedily homeowners, business operators, individuals and communities must play their part by keeping their surroundings clean, reducing mosquito breeding sites and working closely with healthcare providers to successfully address the situation.
- ·Cover water containers tightly ·Remove all unwanted water holding items (coconut shells, bottles, tires, buckets, tins, vases, etc) ·Change water in flower pots/vases weekly to destroy mosquito eggs ·Dispose garbage in its proper place bury or burn where/if necessary. ·Cut down and remove all bush, and clear overgrown lots that can harbor mosquitoes. ·Open doors and windows to allow fog to entre when fogging team is fogging