Local News

Grenada Media Workers elects New President

Senior Journalist Rawle Titus is the new President of the Media Workers Association of Grenada (MWAG).
Mr. Titus was elected as the new head of MWAG at its General Meeting on Saturday September 6, 2008 at the Conference Room of the Public Workers’ Union Building. He took over from Michael Bascombe who didn’t seek re-election.
The meeting, which was attended by about 20 members, also elected Nicole Best, Tricia Reuben, Mike Alexis and Ria Murray on the new executive.
Best is the First Vice President while Reuben is the Treasurer. Alexis and Murray are directors.
Former President Michael Bascombe has congratulated Mr Titus and his new team noting the achievement of MWAG over the last two years and the work ahead for the new executive. He has promised to continue working along with the new executive in whatever way possible.

In his acceptance speech, Mr Titus who has been a media worker for the past twenty years and formerly served as Vice President of the Association, called on members to become more actively involved in the work of the Association because it’s a professional body that need input from its members and not a political advocacy group as is described by some politicians.

“We should not forget our role to inform, educate and entertainment our audience whether it’s print or electronic, although some may see us as being political, we should not let their opinion stop us from doing what is right,” he said.


The new executive is:
Rawle Titus – President
Nicole Best – 1st Vice President
Roderick St. Clair – 2nd Vice President
Ray Roberts – Secretary
Linda Straker – Assistant Secretary
Tricia Reuben – Treasurer
Mike Alexis – Director
Ria Murray – Director

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