Local News

Grenada Independence Celebrations continues

In commemoration of the 34th anniversary of Grenada’s Independence, Patriots & Friends of Grenada will be celebrating the event with a True Caribbean Extravaganza SHOW & DANCE on Saturday Feb. 23, 2008 at the Zendah Grotto – 4402 W. Ohio Ave., Tampa, Florida, to commence at 8.00pm sharp. Performing will be Fatman George – Grenada’s #1 Comedian (direct from Grenada) Creig Camacho and Mystic NRG, Anakowana Dance Group, Veronica Lions ( Spoken Words) Peter Harriott (Steel Pan Player) and DJ Spice. MC: Derek Ventour of Dee Vee International Productions All proceeds to benefit the St. George’s Anglican Senior School Library Project in Grenada W.I. The island of Grenada was the first in the sub-regional Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States to attain political Independence from Great Britain on February 7, 1974.  This was achieved through the tenacity of the late Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, Premier of the island at that time, who became known as the “Father of Independence”. President of the group Patricia Joseph said, “I am very proud to be a founding member and to spearhead this organization after it’s formation following the devastation of hurricane Ivan.  The hurricane which hit Grenada on September 7, 2004 destroyed 90% of the country’s buildings.  A national disaster was declared and a plea issued for international aid toward the reconstruction efforts. Our goals are to continue to grow in both membership and our commitment to the people in Grenada.”.

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