Caribbean News

Grenada and Japan discussed funding for projects

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COPENHAGEN, Denmark, December 17, 2009 – Grenada and Japan continue to explore ways of closer cooperation in the margins of the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
 Environment Minister Michael Church on Thursday held talks with Japan’s State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Tetsuro Fukuyama. The two ministers discussed support for Grenada within the context of the Adaptation Fund which Japan has established.
 On Wednesday Japan announced that it has scaled up support for developing countries under the “Hatoyama Initiative”. This initiative is based on the statement by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama at the United Nations Summit on Climate Change in New York last September.
 Under this initiative Japan will provide financial assistance of approximately US$15 billion to developing countries, on the condition that successful political accord is achieved at COP15.
 Minister Church said that Grenada is hoping to benefit from this fund and has submitted three projects for approval namely Water, Solid Waste and Forestry.
 “We are also hoping to benefit from technology which they are utilising effectively,” he said. “We will continue explore other areas of cooperation with the Japanese”.
 The Grenadian Minister told his Japanese colleague that Grenada has recognised Japan’s effort to engage all countries in reducing green house gases and assured him of Grenada’s support.
 He also thanked Japan for recent support in Grenada especially in the area of fisheries.
 The Minister was accompanied to the talks by Joyce Thomas-Calliste and Vaughan Forsyth.

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