Caribbean News

Grand Roy honours Sparrow

Sparrow and Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean
Sparrow and Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean

St. George’s, July 31, 2012 – Mighty Sparrow, who was born in the village of Grand Roy in 1935, has been honored by residents of the community.

On Monday, Sparrow journeyed to Grand Roy, St. John, for the unveiling of a plaque in his honour. There is also now a roadside wall in Grand Roy bearing the image of Sparrow, whose real name is Slinger Francisco.

Sparrow performed in concert last Saturday at the Spice Basket.

He was brought to Grenada by Spice Basket owner, Hugh Dolland, who attended Monday’s ceremony in Grand Roy.

Others present included St. John residents, Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean; Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture, Dr. George Vincent; former Senator Arley Gill, who once served as Culture Minister; educator Jeanette Dubois; GRENCODA’s General Secretary, Judy Williams; and senior public servant, Ann Marie Marecheau.

“St. John’s loves you; Grand Roy loves,’’ Dr. Vincent said in welcoming Sparrow.

The calypsonian, 77, was commended for his musical achievements and numerous honours, with suggestions that his compositions should be included for study at schools.

“Sparrow is the ultimate storyteller,’’ Dubois said.

The Grenada-born calypsonian described the occasion as “stupendous.’’

Sparrow’s compositions have included We like It So; Drunk and Disorderly; Soca Pressure; Federation; Idi Amin; and Dan is the Man in the Van.

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