Labour Minister Hon. Glynis Roberts has called on the Grenada Trades’ Union Council, (GTUC) to be more proactive and to join government in exploring opportunities for greater national development.
Mrs. Roberts was at the time addressing workers at this year’s May Day celebrations, which was held in Grenville, St. Andrew.
The Labour Minister says during this global crisis, it is advisable that we go one-step back and take a page from the book of our ancestors, who also had to deal with crisises of their own.
“Our ancestors who had far less education and training that we are privileged to have, did not wither nor surrender when they found themselves jobless, penny-less and without any prospects of finding gainful employment or money,” said Mrs. Roberts. “They responded with imaginative measures such as pooling their meager resources to form sue-sue and worked cooperatively in home building by organizing maroons. We too must show the same fortitude and creativity.”
Mrs. Roberts, who is also the Minister of Social Development and Ecclesiastic Affairs, says she endorses the suggestions made by GTUC President, Madonna Harford, that labour groups should show restraint in terms of their demands and to find ways to educate their members on the prevailing need for such actions.
She added that the 10-month-old government intends to maintain amiable relations with its social and economic partners
“As one of the stakeholders, the National Democratic Congress Government intends to maintain cordial relations with labour, the private sector and Non-governmental organizations,” she said. “We must move away from the traditional adversarial modus operandi with labour, where government and unions generally meet to resolve contentious issues of wages and salaries and to arbitrate disputes.”