St. George’s, December 26, 2011 – MP for St. George South, Hon. Glynis Roberts, is looking to the continued involvement of her constituents in community projects that will be embarked upon in 2012.
“Let us continue working together so that in the New Year, we can embark on more community projects such as housing repair for the needy; environmental clean-up of our beaches and other public places; and the setting up of additional holiday programs for children,’’ said Minister Roberts in her 2011 Christmas Message.
“I look forward to the start of new projects such as the construction of a Resource Centre in Mon Toute, with funding from the government and people of Venezuela.’’
Mrs. Roberts, who is Minister of Labour, Social Security and Ecclesiastical Affairs, has been the NDC MP for St. George’s South since 2003.
“I want you to know that I am honoured to serve you and assure you that I will continue to represent you with honesty and integrity,’’ she said.
Here’s the text of the Christmas Message delivered by MP Glynis Roberts, Minster of Labour, Social Security and Ecclesiastical Affairs.
My fellow Grenadians, Brothers and Sisters of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, I bring you Christmas greetings as Minister of Labour, Social Security and Ecclesiastical Affairs, and Member of Parliament for South St. George.
Let us use the occasion of Christmas to thank our God and Father for his mercies throughout the year. I’m certain it has been a year of ups and down, and challenges and successes, for all of us. But the good news is that through God’s grace and mercies, we are alive to celebrate another Christmas.
It is to this God and his son, Jesus Christ, that we must pay homage at Christmas. That is the real meaning of Christmas. While we exchange gifts, and send and receive cards, and share dinner with family and friends, and salute one another with greetings of “Merry Christmas,’’ the real meaning of Christmas and the focus of the celebration must remain on God and Jesus Christ, the Son.
The birth of Christ more than two thousand years ago brought great joy to the world. God sent Jesus into the world to bring salvation and to teach us virtues such as truth, love, peacefulness, patience and kindness.
At Christmas and through the year, let’s us emulate Christ and practice these qualities in our personal and professional lives, as well as in the task of building our beautiful Tri-island Nation.
Because of Christ and the assurance we have in him as children of God, we can truly be happy at Christmas, no matter what may be happening in our lives. Whether we have a lot or a little, let’s share with family and friends; let’s make a special effort to reach out to neighbours and to the man or woman we meet on the street; let’s visit those elderly among us who are shut in and whom we often do not see.
To my constituents of St. George South, I remain you humble servant. As customary, I will be visiting you. I may not be able to get to every house and every person; but I want you to know that I am honoured to serve you and assure you that I will continue to represent you with honesty and integrity. Let us continue working together so that in the New Year, we can embark on more community projects such as housing repair for the needy; environmental clean-up of our beaches and other public places; and the setting up of additional holiday programs for children. I look forward to the start of new projects such as the construction of a Resource Centre in Mon Toute, with funding from the government and people of Venezuela.
I pray God’s blessings on every one of you. To you and to the rest of the nation, I wish a Merry Christmas 2011 and a bright and prosperous New Year. And remember, Jesus is the reason for the season.