Local News

Fun and education at NaDMA open house

St. George’s, June 23, 2012 – It was fun-filled but educational open house of the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA). The priority, though, was on education.

NaDMA collaborated with several partners – including members of the business sector, the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and volunteers from the River Road/Darbeau Community Development Organization and the Carenage Organization for Recreation and Entertainment  – to host the open house on June 22 at the courtyard of the Esplanade Mall on Melville Street, St. George’s.

Pamphlets and brochures were distributed on preparing and dealing with disasters such floods, hurricanes and earthquakes.

The 2012 hurricane season commenced on June 1. NaDMA has published and distributed a list of “Safety Rules’’ that should be observed for an approaching hurricane.

They include the advice to “rely only on official bulletins from radio and TV;’’ “evacuate low-lying areas, beaches and other vulnerable locations as early as possible;’’ and that “those seeking shelter should shut off water, gas and electricity before leaving home.’’

The literature shared last Friday by NaDMA officials and volunteers also included a checklist of items to be included in a “Family Disaster Supplies Kit.’’

Among the items that should be in a kit are water, non-perishable food, medication, flashlights, batteries, mobile phone, children’s games, and identification cards and other personal documents.

A highlight of the open house was live performance from students who rendered numerous songs in various genres, with all focusing on disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction.

The Master of Ceremony for the entertainment segment was Kem Jones, NaDMA’s Community Program Officer for Grenada North.

NaDMA, a department of the Office of the Prime Minister, is responsible for coordinating all disaster-related activities in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

The agency says its vision is to “develop a culture of prevention and safety among all sectors of society.’’

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