ST GEORGE’S, GRENADA – 3rd February, 2011: Former Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell has applauded the Hon. Jack Warner, the Government of Trinidad and Caribbean Airlines (CAL), for the intention to expand the services of Caribbean Airline to meet the needs of travellers in the Eastern Caribbean islands.
Dr. Mitchell noted that historically the Governments of the region have invested significant resources in LIAT which has failed to improve its services although it has enjoyed the benefits of being a monopoly for many years. He said he believes the expanded services will not only benefit the people of the region but can significantly benefit LIAT.
Speaking about recent statements made by leaders in the region about the consequences of the expanded services and the possible forced removal of LIAT from the Caribbean skies, Dr. Mitchell said, “I cannot disagree more. Historically, competition has brought out the best in many organisations, forcing them to go beyond mediocrity. We have seen the results in most cases to be improved services at lower cost and the growth of the organizations.”
According to Dr. Mitchell LIAT itself has been hurt over the years from the absence of adequate competition. He added “While many may look at this new development as a negative I believe it is extremely positive. I believe it is great news for the people of the region and will play a significant role in facilitating the implementation of the CSME.”