Tuesday 31st May, 2011: Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Mitchell, has pledged to retain all projects of the present NDC Administration on returning to office. Speaking of his prior experience after the 1995 General Election which returned the NNP to office with himself as Prime Minister, Dr. Mitchell spoke of ensuring that all programmes started by the then outgoing NDC Government were retained. He stated that this was important in order to guarantee stability and continuity in the governance of the country.
Speaking after the New National Party’s protest march against the high cost of living the former Prime Minister also gave a check list of issues and immediate action that an incoming NNP Administration would tackle and implement. He mentioned the reduction of specific taxes such as those on basic food items, an increase in the salary of public workers and the creation of employment. The NNP Leader stated his party has been in contact with several foreign investors who are ready to invest in Grenada under and NNP Government as they have been viciously attacked by operatives of the present administration.
Informing those gathered, that the NNP continues speaking about solutions and solving problems and not focusing on personal attacks on members of the NDC Government, Dr. Mitchell stated that his government will re-establish the now defunct Farmers and Fishermen’s Fund under the Ministry of Agriculture as well as the Micro Enterprise Development Fund. He mentioned that these programs which have been discontinued by the present administration, plays a very critical role in the development of Small Business and the Agricultural and Fishing sectors.
Dr. Mitchell who held the office of Prime Minister for thirteen years also spoke of corruption which his party knows is taking place in the NDC Administration. He called on the present Prime Minister to move forward and implement the Integrity in Public Life and Prevention of Corruption Acts which have been passed by the NNP Government in 2007. He noted that the members of the Opposition were willing, ready and prepared to declare their assets while members of the government are unwilling to do so. Mentioning the frustration of members of the Integrity Commission Dr. Mitchell chided the NDC Government on lack of movement on the anti-corruption front.
The Opposition Leader also stated that the task of a new NNP Government will be to unite the people of Grenada and end the politics of spite and hate as being displayed by the NDC. To this end, Dr. Mitchell announced that he will soon be embarking on tour which will take him to a number of countries overseas to inform Grenadians of what is taking place in the country and of the NNP’s plan to continue to work with the people to Rescue Grenada.