Local News

Flood Affected Families Could Be Relocated If They Desire

Wireless from AT&TGrenadians whose homes were destroyed in last Tuesday’s flash flood in St. John and St. Mark have been told that they could be relocated if they desire.

The assurance has been given by Alleyne Walker, Minister for Housing, Lands, and Community Development.

Minister Walker is a member of a Cabinet Sub-Committee that held meetings last Saturday in St. John and St. Mark with victims of the flash flood.

He noted that it is the right of citizens to accept or reject government’s assistance.

However, he suggested that it is in their best interest to be relocated to a safer area, given the existing circumstances and reoccurring danger, especially to villagers living close to the river coasts.

Minister Walker said government will look at the availability of Crown lands in St. John and St. Mark for those desirous of relocating.

The flooding happened in April, which is considered the “dry season,’’ the Housing Minister said. He added that all must therefore be concerned about what could likely happen when the “rainy season’’ starts.

Walker pleaded with victims to carryout assessments and estimates of their homes, using competent carpenters and builders.

Once assessments and estimates are completed, they should immediately be taken to the Ministry of Housing or delivered directly to housing officers employed by government, Walker advised.

He said that in order for everyone who is in need to be able to receive assistance, all must be honest in their claims for assistance and avoid the temptation of abusing the process.

Walker commended residents of the two affected parishes for being their brother’s keeper by coming together and assisting each other in the wake of the flash flood

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