St. George’s, September 13, 2012 – AN EXECUTIVE MEMBER OF GRENADA’S OPPOSITION NEW NATIONAL Party has taken that country’s Finance Minister to task for refusing to, in her view, come clean with people there.
Delma Thomas, a likely opposition candidate in rural St Andrew’s, says it is amazing that Finance Minister Nazim Burke refuses to tell the nation from where the government borrowed money recently to pay salaries.
With the government in St George’s unable to pay its bills, some predict more borrowing again this month to meet the current expenses.
Burke told a radio interview in St George’s this week that he won’t say where the Tillman Thomas administration got the money after public servants’ pay was delayed for five days.
But opposition candidate Delma Thomas said it is the nation’s business and people ought to know.
“We are amazed by the lack of candor by the Minister of Finance who refuses to tell the people of Grenada where he borrowed the money to pay public servants recently, and where he plans to borrow again for this month,” she said Thursday.
“Hon Nazim Burke continues to run the Ministry of Finance as if it is his own personal business,” Thomas complained.
But she said Burke’s attitude is consistent since “he has failed to report the parliament where he expected to get the money to finance the now busted budget.”
Thomas quipped: “Six months later Grenada is still waiting for that promised report.”
She said with the country’s parliament on recess, the lack of accountability by the government in St George’s is even more troubling.