Local News

Executive committee appointed to Carenage organisation

St. George’s, October 10, 2011 – An executive committee has been appointed to oversee a proposed series of activities of the Carenage Organisation for Recreation and Entertainment (CORE), including a cooperative undertaking with the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA).

The committee appointed at a recent meeting of CORE is headed by Lincoln Depradine as chairman and medical doctor, Winston Thomas, as vice chairman.

Other executive members are Claudia Halley as secretary-treasurer and Terry James, public relations Officer.

The executive is supported by two other officers: Trevor Joseph is the sporting activities’ coordinator, and Tamiki Stephen is the corporate citizen liaison.

At the meeting, CORE members were briefed on the workings of NaDMA by Silvan Chan, Disaster Coordinator for the Town of St. George.

He invited the group to form a village committee to liaise with NaDMA and, in the event of a disaster, will the coordinator for the Carenage area on such matters as the health and welfare of residents; shelter management; public information and education; transportation; and on damage and needs assessment.

Chan said NaDMA provides a variety of certified training to members of village committees nationwide, including three now existing in the Town of St. George.

In addition to establishing a relationship with NaDMA, CORE is also focusing on “fully utilising’’ Old Trafford Playing Field in Tanteen with the aim of “lifting the profile of the community in a positive manner.’’

Representatives of the organisation are planning to meet with government officials to formalize the status of CORE in respect of Old Trafford, where an effort will be undertaken to install facilities such as covered bleachers, change-rooms and toilets.

“We intend to solicit support for the Old Trafford venture from the local private sector as well as from Grenadians in the Diaspora, especially people from the Carenage now residing in North America and Europe,’’ said Depradine.

CORE is in the process of trying to organise an Old Trafford football competition for players 40 years and over.

In the meantime, it has granted permission for the use of Old Trafford to a group of children and their parents from a St. George’s church that will be having a Sunday afternoon outing at the playing field on October 16.

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