Local News

Dr Mitchell continues to touch base with the nation

December 31st, 2010 St. George’s, Grenada: Dr. The Rt. Honorable Keith Mitchell, Former Prime Minister and current Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition has continued his annual Christmas Season meet and greet with another walk in the capital St. George’s.

Dr. Mitchell was warmly greeted by the various end of year shoppers, sidewalk vendors, fishermen, shop owners, taxi operators etc as he calmly strode through the city on the last day of 2010. There were many greetings with various people imploring the ‘doc to return soon’ to the reigns of leadership in the country. Many people expressed their economic distress in 2010 and hoped that 2011 would offer much better.

Dr. Mitchell took the time to have some one on one discussions with the various people who rushed to get the opportunity to touch the hands of the man known as ‘Jonah’ who they hope will soon be out of the whale’s belly.

Former Prime Minister Mitchell who led the tri-island state for thirteen unbroken years wished each and everyone a happy and prosperous 2011 and asked the people of Grenada to keep the faith as there is hope for Grenada in the form of the New National Party.

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