Local News


St. George’s, November 24th 2009: Leader of the Opposition and Parliamentary Representative for St. George’s North West, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell has complimented NAWASA for what he considers to be an outstanding effort to meet the needs of the many people of his constituency who are severely affected by the man made disaster which occurred on the Brizan main road last week. 
 Dr. Mitchell said the Government’s decision to conduct blasting of the rock in the area has created significant challenges for many. However he believes that NAWASA has gone out of the way to reduce the plight of the people.
 THE Opposition Leader commends the workers of NAWASA involved in servicing the needs of the people of his constituency. He said he is pleased with the level of concern and empathy shown by the workers to the villagers who are going through this dilemma.
 Dr. Mitchell noted that while there are concerns by some villagers about the quality of the water he is satisfied that the people of St. George’s North West have been receiving an adequate supply to meet their basic needs.
 However, the Parliamentary Representative is making an appeal to NAWASA to provide an additional tank for the people of upper Brizan as they are faced with a challenge based on the distance they have to travel to the closest tank.
 Meanwhile, he is also calling on his constituents to cooperate with NAWAWSA and to refrain from wasting the water provided. He assures his constituents that while these are tough days there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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