Fellow Grenadians, Today, Wednesday, April, 22nd, I announce that the 15th laboratory case of COVID-19 on mainland Grenada has been confirmed. We therefore have 14 confirmed cases on Island, of which seven have been medically cleared, six are active, and of course, one is new. The individual is a 45 year old male, whom we announced to the nation was admitted to the hospital on Sunday, April 19th, exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
Several screening tests were done at the local level on Sunday and Monday, and we already announced to the nation the results of those. We subsequently informed that we were going to run consecutive PCR tests on this individual, which we did, both at the local level and at the regional level, through CARPHA.
The final results came in this morning, and the individual is now officially declared positive for COVID-19. As we announced on Monday, health officials wanted to administer several consecutive PCR tests on this individual, given the significance of his results to the health status of this nation. He has been isolated in the COVID-19 section of the hospital since Sunday night, and is being treated for symptoms.
Until now, all confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grenada have been imported or importrelated. This current individual in question, has no travel history and currently, officials are yet to determine whether he has been in contact with any of the previously confirmed cases. Health officials have been in discussions with the employer of the individual, and employees have been asked to self-isolate. We have already commenced testing of every known contact of the individual, including his fellow employees, in keeping with our contact tracing protocol. In the days ahead, these efforts will continue
In fact, on a national level, we have indeed, broadened our scope of testing, as we indicated we were going to do this week, in order to get a better appreciation for any likelihood that there is community spread of the virus in Grenada.
To date, we have conducted over 600 rapid tests, with a view to testing one per cent of our population by the end of this week. (This represents approximately one thousand people). So far, they have all returned negative results; and while the rapid tests are not conclusive, as we explained, they are a very good indication of an individual’s exposure to the virus. None of the individuals tested are exhibiting any symptoms.
While we have treated every case or possibility of a case as profoundly serious, this particular one calls for increased vigilance in the immediate. Again, we are yet to determine where this individual contracted the virus. I can assure you that your medical team is working tirelessly to keep this nation safe from any possible outbreak of COVID-19.
We are therefore pleading with you to continue to partner with us by doing your part. Together, we can win this battle. We remind you to wash your hands frequently; practice good hygiene. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unclean hands. We continue to implore that you practice social or physical distancing of at least six feet.
As per the current regulations, you are required to wear a mask or suitable facecovering over the nose and mouth, in public spaces—in particular, in any public facility. Be COVID-19 smart. Do your part.