
Diaspora team loses to locals in football

St. George’s, August 14, 2012 – A local team of veteran footballers is the winner of the first over-40 all-star game that was hosted Sunday, August 12, at Old Trafford Playing Field in Tanteen, St. George’s.

The local team, captained by Thomas “Billy’’ Alexis, was selected from players who competed in the recent Old Trafford United Insurance over-40 tournament.

Their challengers on Sunday were a Diaspora team led by former national footballer, Allister Romain, who is resident in Canada.

The Alexis-led team won the game 3 -1 and captured the challenge trophy donated by Derrick James, Grenada’s Consul General to New York.

The game – an initiative of the Carenage Organisation for Recreation and Entertainment (CORE) – was supported by several community members.

“The success of the venture was a combined effort of many people, including members of our Carenage group,’’ said CORE Chairman Lincoln Depradine. “I would like to make special mention of Michael St. John, MP Peter David, Consul General James, Angus Steele and Errol Alexander for their contributions.’’

Both David and James commended the organisers of the game, urged that it be held annually, and welcomed the rehabilitation of Old Trafford as a venue for recreational and social activities.


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