ST JOHN’S, Antigua – Cricket West Indies (CWI) is working to improve coaching at all levels, and new Coach Education Manager Chris Brabazon, has already embarked on a journey across the region to meet and discuss coaching standards and the implementation of fresh ideas with the six territorial boards.
Starting on Thursday, Brabazon will be in Guyana, where he will meet with regional pathway coaches to understand how CWI can better support regional coaches and how they can work together within the new Coach Education Programme, and it coincides with the West Indies Championship four-day fixture between defending champions Guyana Jaguars and Jamaica Scorpions.
He articulated what his time with regional coaches will entail.
“It’s important that I understand the context in which all the coaches are working, whether it’s at a high school, under-age national team or at a club. I want to know what resources they have around them, what the facilities are like and what are their challenges,” he said.
“When we build this system to support them (coaches) it must be something practical and not just one that looks good on paper. It needs to help them do the role required of them in the larger picture [of building successful West Indies teams].
Following his visit to Guyana, Brabazon will conduct sessions with the other regional franchises to understand the challenges and gather feedback to build into the overall programme. This is geared towards getting all coaches and players working to a long-term plan to ensure consistent coaching from junior to senior level in an effort to produce top-class senior men and women cricketers for the future success of West Indies teams.
This was the prevailing message from CWI’s Director of Cricket Jimmy Adams; Senior Men’s Head Coach Phil Simmons; and Brabazon following the West Indies Coaches Forum held last week at Coolidge Cricket Ground, Antigua.
“We wanted to bring all franchise coaches from around the region under one roof to start a process of getting everyone to read from the same script,” said Adams. “There is a lot that we want to do that we want to see happen at the highest level, but for that to happen, all of the supporting cast have to be on the same page. This involves franchise coaches and it will involve coaches at every level of the coaching network as well.”
The former West Indies captain elaborated on the important role that Brabazon will play through his work visiting the regional coaches and aiding them to have the skills to help players get to the required level for international cricket.
“We have a responsibility in the elite pipeline to teach the game and to teach it the way we want it taught, to the standards we think will give us international quality players down the line. That is a skill and the role of Chris is to help us develop better teachers of the game.”
Andre Coley
Andrew Richardson
David Williams
Derol Thomas
Emmerson Trotman
Esuan Crandon
Fernix Thomas
Floyd Reifer
Ian Tittle
Leon Kuma Rodney
Mervyn Dillon
Nikita Miller
Pedro Collins
Roderick Estwick
Pernell Watley
Ryan Austin
Curtly Ambrose
Steve Liburd
Stuart Williams
Vasbert Drakes
Wilden Cornwall
Winston Benjamin