

St John’s, ANTIGUA – Cricket West Indies announces that it has completed the assembling of 13 committees and two task forces, which will provide pragmatic operational and policy advice to the Board of Directors and its Professional Management Team, for the period up to March 2021. The committees are listed alphabetically by name below: 

* Audit, Risk and Compliance

* Chief Executives

* Communications & Commercial Affairs.

* Cricket

* Disciplinary Tribunal

* Ethics

* Executive Performance Review

* Finance

* Human Resources Development

* International Fixtures

* Medical Advisory

* No Objection Certificate (NOC)  

* Umpires and Match Referees

The Skerritt/Shallow led CWI has also appointed two specialized Task Forces to review and implement reform of the organization’s governance, and the outdated system of team selections.

The five member Governance Task Force is chaired by Jamaican Businessman and Senator Don Wehby, and includes Professor Sir Hilary Beckles of UWI, Charles Wilkin QC of St. Kitts & Nevis, Jamaican entrepreneur OK Melhado, and former Trinidad and West Indies cricketer, Deryck Murray.

The 6-member Selection Task Force is chaired by CWI Vice President Dr. Kishore Shallow and includes former West Indian cricketers Ramnaresh Sarwan, Philo Wallace, and Miles Bascombe, Jimmy Adams, CWI Director of Cricket, and Enoch Lewis, CWI Chairman of the Cricket Committee.

CWI President Ricky Skerritt has confirmed that the committee compositions include a wide variety of stakeholder interests. Over 50% of the total committee membership are independent of the traditional cricket fraternity, originating from 11 different Caribbean territories. The total number of women on CWI committees has increased, with a few of the committees actually having a woman member for the first time.

Skerritt also confirmed that there remains one more task force to be assembled later this year. The “High Performance Implementation System” Task Force will be charged with designing a more modernized and effective system of partnership-based player development/intervention initiatives.

CWI Board of Directors

  Name Position
1 Mr. Richard “Ricky” Skerritt President
2 Dr. Kishore Shallow Vice-President
3 Mr. Wilford “Billy” Heaven Member Director
4 Dr. Donovan Bennett Member Director
5 Mr. Enoch Lewis Member Director
6 Mr. Denrick Liburd Member Director
7 Mr. Julian Charles Member Director
8 Mr. Dwain Gill Member Director
9 Mr. Calvin Hope Member Director
10 Mr. Conde’ Riley Member Director
11 Mr. Azim Bassarath Member Director
12 Mr. Arjoon Ramlal Member Director
13 Mr. Anand Sanasie Member Director
14 Mr. Anand Kalladeen Member Director
15 Mr. Imran McSood Amjad Non-Member Director
16 Dr. Akshai Mansingh Non-Member Director
17 Mr. Michael Findlay Non-Member Director
18 Mrs. Debra Coryat-Patton Non-Member Director

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