Peace to you and Grace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Conference of Churches Grenada takes this opportunity to extend Christmas greetings to all, as we celebrate the Christ Event.
A survey of the contemporary activities surrounding the celebration of this Christian Festival raises grave concern for the Conference with respect to the commercialization and sentimentalization of the season, both by the secular and some Christians, whose focus seem to be more on the historical aspect at the expense of the theological. What then should be a means to an end, have become ends in themselves – the merry making, the giving of gifts, the getting together of families and friends, the joyful exchange of season compliments and even church attendance by some. It’s no mystery therefore why some people of goodwill at this time shortly after become people of ill-will. They totally miss the relevance of God’s eschatological self-disclosure in the Christ Event.
We therefore feel it necessary that as a Christian nation we must once again recapture the essence and meaning of the Christmas celebrations. Our activities must emphasise God’s unspeakable gift of Salvation to all people, who are the objects of His favour, in Christ. Let our celebrations embrace this gift of atonement, of returning to the original relationship with God living in His presence as first man did initially in the Genesis.
As individuals, as families and as a Nation let us be reminded that we were created to live all of life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, by the Word of God, to the Glory of God. We were created to live all of life before the face of God, knowing that nothing in our lives is secular or separated from the sight of God because all of life is sacred. To do otherwise is sacrilege.
This season should forcefully remind us that while we were yet estranged from God, He reached out to us in reconciling compassion through the mystery of the Incarnation. He gave his only Son so that whosoever believes in him may have life in all its fullness. The reminder of this gift – while highlighting the freedom of choice – also underscores the consequences of choice. Thus the season of Christmas recalls not just the birth of Jesus Christ but also his second coming – when he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
The Conference therefore believes it prudent that as a nation we should contemplate eternity and let this be our guide in all our activities, not only at this time but, throughout our lives. Let us not focus on the details of the birth narratives so much that we miss the bigger picture; neither should we romanticize the birth scenes for they were harsh conditions but let us hear all of these communicating the mystery of redemption.
We hope that however you choose to celebrate the Christ Event it will be a manner in which Christ can be comfortable being the guest of honour – after all, we are celebrating His coming!
We wish you the joy, peace and abundant life which Christ offers through redemption and may we all celebrate the Christ Event and receive God’s blessings as one Family, one Nation.
May God bless us all!