ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Tuesday,October 01, 2013 – GIS: One of the most visible medical organizations in the world will return to Grenada this week to provide free specialist clinical services to Grenadians.
Children Health Organization Relief and Educational Services (CHORES) are expected in Grenada as early as Wednesday, to begin preparations for their specialist clinics which start on Friday.
The October 2013 project will be conducted in two parts. The first will feature a Special-needs clinic which commences on Friday, October 4th through Saturday, October 12.
That clinic consists of two physiotherapists, speech and language therapists and an occupational therapist.
However, the second part of the project will run from October 11-19 with Cardiology team. Medical specialists consisting of cardiologists, emergency medicine and an echo tech, will conduct those clinics.