The Carenage, which is one of the focal points for the 300th anniversary of the Town of St. George, will host its first major event in the tri-centennial celebrations on Sunday, March 14.
The Tri-Centennial Committee, which is responsible for overseeing all commemorative events in the city, is using March 14 as a sports and cultural activities’ day. The Committee, with assistance from community volunteers, will utilised the Carenage roadway, seawater and basketball court for swimming races, B-ball and soccer games and live musical performances.
“The day, of course, is expected to be entirely fun-filled. But we also would like it to be a catalyst for renewed business interest in the once vibrant Carenage community,’’ said Bettyann Lazarus, a member of the public relations team of the Tri-Centennial Committee. “Apart from the fun, we hope there’ll be vending to generate a bit of revenue for Carenage businesses.’’
Other centres of activities for the tri-centennial celebrations will include Fort George, Four Roads and River Road.
The celebrations were launched in January with a declaration from Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas, who offered his government’s fullest support for the commemorative activities.
Parliamentary representative Peter David has described the Town of St. George as a “gem,’’ and has appealed to all Grenadians to embrace the celebrations.
“The Town of St. George does not belong to the people who live in the Town,” said MP David. “It belongs to all of us, throughout the length and breadth of Grenada. That is why I invite all, even those from the rest of the Caribbean, to be part of the celebrations.”
“An Encounter of Many Worlds’’ is the theme of celebrations, which run until April.
The Carenage will again hold centre stage on Friday, April 23, with a planned mini-carnival in the area, as well as on April 24 with the Tri-Centennial Committee putting on a street bazaar and cultural show, with accompanying firework.