Local News


St. George’s, Grenada, March 24th, 2011: Former Minister for Works Hon. Gregory Bowen says enough is enough, the NDC Government should take immediate measures to ensure that the CCC workers are back on the job before the end of March.  He said since the Government terminated the contract with CCC forcing them to leave the island, about six different deadlines were given for their return.  To date none of these deadlines were met.

 According to Bowen the Government is playing games with the workers telling them that they are doing everything to get CCC back , while in fact they are doing everything so former CCC workers can lose their homes, their vehicles and to go without food on their tables.

“If the Government had listened to the NNP when we advised not to get rid of CCC then today the over 400 workers of the company would not have suffered in the way they did for almost two years.”

The Minister explains that the Government has a moral responsibility to pay to CCC the remobilization fee which covers the cost of bringing back the company and its equipment back to Grenada.  Bowens says the minister’s ego is too big to accept that Government made a mistake and to pay the consequences, more so as this was pointed out by the Opposition.  He said while the Minister holds out and refuses to pay the legitimate $3 million or so in cost, former CCC workers continue to struggle to survive

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