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Australian funding for St. Paul’s Community Centre work

St. George’s, June 19, 2012 – The St. Paul’s Sports, Cultural and Development Organisation has received funding from the Australian Government under the Direct Aid Programme (DAP) to rehabilitate the conference hall and the washroom facilities of the St Paul’s Community Centre.

“We are thankful to the Australian Government for providing us with approximately US$30,000 in funding which will go a long way in supporting the efforts of the St Paul’s Sports, Cultural & Development Organisation in the promotion of sports, culture and educational development in the St Paul’s community and its environs,’’ said the organisation’s secretary, Karl Pivott.

The Australian funding is in support of Phase II of an overall plan to upgrade the St. Paul’s Community Centre, which was constructed in the early 1980s largely through volunteer work.

Phase 1 of the upgrade, which was funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, concentrated on the rehabilitation of the courtyard, fencing and other civil works.

Phase II, which commenced on May 8, focuses its efforts on the building, including installation of a new electrical system and security bars; rehabilitation of washrooms; painting; changing of doors and windows; repairing of the backstage area of the community centre; and construction of an access ramp.

“Phase II of the project is progressing as planned and is expected to be completed by month-end of June 30,’’ Pivott said.

“On completion of the project, the St Paul’s Community Centre will be a much better facility, suitable for hosting both outdoor and indoor activities whether it’s of a sporting, educational or cultural nature.’’

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