Local News

Attorney General Dismisses Reports of Moves To Remove Chief Magistrate

Attorney General Elvin Nimrod has described as false and malicious, reports by some members of the Grenada Bar Association that the government, specifically the executive branch, has been attempting to remove Chief Magistrate Patricia Mark from office. Mr. Nimrod issued a statement saying that the executive branch holds the highest regards for the integrity, professionalism and judicial competence of the chief magistrate.

On April 1, 2008, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Legal Affairs wrote to the Chief Magistrate indicating that the Ministry proposes to advise the Governor General that she be retired from the public service on the grounds of age at the expiry of her vacation leave that is with effect from March 3, 2009.The Chief Magistrate responded to the Permanent Secretary’s correspondence by filing a constitutional claim on the 4th of April 2008, wherein she stated that the communication from the Permanent Secretary amounts to an attempt to remove her from office, and that it is the Governor General who, on the advice of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission, may send such communication to the Chief Magistrate.

The Attorney General’s statement said it must be noted that the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Legal Affairs has since written to the Chief Magistrate, withdrawing the first letter and informing her by letter dated April 8, 2008 that the Public Service Commission will be informed of the Chief Magistrate having attained the compulsory age of retirement.

The matter is now under judicial consideration


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